Make a difference

Why give?

Writing a book is just beginning of the story.

Once we have a final manuscript and have produced print and Kindle editions of a book, we obviously hope people will buy it and read it.

We do have some loyal readers but he reality is that unless people, other than you, already know about the book, they won’t look for it and purchase it. This the biggest challenge for every writer is how to let the world know about their ‘masterpiece’.

We hope we have a solution to this age-old problem. We have decided to start working with a Christian marketing and social media specialist who has the skills to help us build an interested audience and make the book launch successful. But skills like these do not come for free. So, if you can support this initiative by making a donation of any amount, no matter how small, it would be a massive help.

Plus: Each donor will receive an advanced PDF of the final manuscript.


Here are a few ways that you can donate to support Steve’s writing miistry

  1. Through Stewardship
    You can give regularly or one-off donations at (you don’t even have to register, I believe). This is the best option if you want us to receive Gift Aid.

  2. Through Gocardless Direct Debit system. Just click here and set it up.

  3. Post a cheque
    This is just open to folk in the UK, paying with pound sterling. Please make your cheque payable to “Saltshakers” and send it to: Saltshakers PO BOX 2215, ILFORD, Essex IG1 9TR

  4. Fill out a standing order form and post it to us
    Just download our standing order form, print it and post it to us.

  5. Phone us up with your credit/debit card details and make a one-off donation
    Phone us on 07885941848 (or +44 (0) 7885941848 from outside UK) and speak to a real person.

  6. Pay by bank transfer, Contact us and we will send you our bank details – you can then send funds one-off or regularly