Icebreaker - Explore the Heart of Christianity

6-Week Proposed Course - 2 hours per week

Steve is proposing a 12 hour (or more) ZOOM course/interactive exploration, featuring the journey he has been on for twenty years, detailed in the books he has written over this time.

Cost of the course will be £25 (£10 concessions) and will include a free book.

It was hoped to start this on Thursday February 22nd, 7pm to 9pm. It will probably last for 6 weeks (or however long it takes).

Due to family issues, there has been a postponement. New dates will be published ASAP

More details are below.

At this stage we want to be able to ascertain interest. It would be appreciated if you could feedback any interest you have in such a course. PLEASE CLICK HERE to do so.

An exploration into the heart of Christianity. Practical, interactive and challenging, going to the very roots of our faith, with the intention of modelling the mindset of Jesus Christ when dealing with the unprecedented challenges of 21st Century life.

This course goes where others fear to tread, led by an experienced guide who has been writing about such things for over twenty years and is ready to go on a new journey with a small group of motivated, open-minded travellers who have no desire other than to become better disciples of Jesus.

Coping without Compromise in our Changing Culture

  • Understanding our culture

  • Interface between our faith and the culture

  • Being effective and responsive to change

  • Finding your function in the Kingdom

We will explore such things as:

  • Form and function in God’s plan

  • The Way of the Lord and its implications

  • Truth and motivations

  • What is truth in a postmodern age?

  • Where did our current predominant culture come from?

  • What are the implications for the Gospel?

  • How do we need to change to become effective in this environment?

  • How our culture subverts the Gospel

  • How has the Church coped with these changes?

  • How did Greek thinking infiltrate the Church?

  • What has been the effect of Greek thinking?

  • How can we think as Jesus thought?

  • Why do Christians over-emphasis thinking rather than acting?

  • Rules for living in the light of the Jesus mindset

  • Being fully functional Christians

  • How evangelism can be viewed differently

  • Looking at family, church, politics, entertainment, media, education and business

  • What is the key thing we should be doing above all else?

  • Breaking down the key message

  • Case studies - drama

  • How do we ‘do it’?

  • What is an icebreaker?

  • Tying it all together