Ep. 65: Messianic miracle
After the scene in the Temple just described we have, probably on the next day, the healing of the man born blind, at the Temple entrance, the chosen spot for those in need to gather.
Ep. 64: Disputes
It was no longer a secret that the leaders of Israel and Jerusalem were plotting the death of Jesus.
Ep. 63: Living Water
It was ‘the last, the great day of the Feast’ and Jesus was once more in the Temple.
Ep. 62: Feast of Tabernacles
‘It was Chol ha Moed, as the non-sacred part of the festive week.
Ep. 61: Mary and Martha
There was an inquiry on the part of a ‘certain lawyer’ as to what he should do to inherit eternal life.
Ep. 59: Authority
Whether or not the Seventy actually returned to Jesus before the feast of Tabernacles, it is convenient to consider the result of their mission
Ep. 58: Woe on unrepentant towns
A peculiarity in the instructions given to the Seventy seem verbal rather than real
Ep. 57: The Seventy Two
Although we can’t be certain as to the order of events, it was on his progress southwards at this time that Jesus designated those Seventy
Ep. 55: Galilee revisited
We find Jesus once more with his disciples passing through Galilee, ready for their journey to the Feast of Tabernacles in Jerusalem.
Ep. 54: Healing the demon-possessed boy
The following morning Jesus and his three disciples moved camp.
Ep. 53: The Transfiguration
Peter’s confession of Jesus as the Christ also identified his followers as the Church.
Ep. 52: Proclamations
They arrived at Caesarea Philippi. It would have taken two days to get there.
Ep. 51: Demands and consequences
His ministry in that Gentile district was about to draw to a close.
Ep. 50: The Sabbath
The Jerusalem Scribes, who had been relentlessly stalking Jesus, had been away celebrating the Passover during the recent healings.
Ep. 48: The Deaf and mute man
This miracle meant that Jesus would get no rest as the fame of the healing spread.
Ep. 47: The Canaanite woman
Jesus needed a break. Too many discussions and opposing voices, disappointments and defections.