

Finding Purpose in This Woke World

We currently live our in a place of dullness of senses and thought, where we are discouraged from exercising either.

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Finding Purpose in This Woke World

We currently live our in a place of dullness of senses and thought, where we are discouraged from exercising either.


Finding Purpose in This Woke World

We currently live our in a place of dullness of senses and thought, where we are discouraged from exercising either.

We currently live our lives in a place of dullness of senses and thought, where we are discouraged from exercising either.

It is a world where we are urged to conform to an ‘acceptable’ identity but to never behave as an individual; where we are allowed to have honest opinions as long as they are ‘approved’ by the media; where we can voice our ‘disapproval’ anonymously without any comeback; where we can become excluded at the drop of a hat, simply through the drop of a tweet; where we can only have a voice if it doesn’t clash with louder more insistent voices.

This is like wading through treacle when we should be swimming unfettered and free. If this is a new ‘progressive’ environment then we must start leafing through our dictionaries for ‘adjustments’ and see if maybe we have joined Alice in her search for the rabbit, but in a land that has lost any sense of wonder.

This is the world we have inherited. Doesn’t it make you feel sad? Do we fear for future generations who may well ask us, what did you do to allow this to happen? Are we content to live in this in-between world… or do we need to be woken up?

This little book has not been written to react against all of this but rather to get us to re-engage with our brains, shake off the half-dreams and help us to chart a new journey into a world of possibilities and… if I dare say… hope

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Now Everything Changes (5 copies)
Now Everything Changes
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