Who am I?


An ordinary woman searches for her identity in a world gone mad.

The further adventures of Derek and Dawn, continuing from their journey in ‘Now Everything Changes

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An ordinary woman searches for her identity in a world gone mad.

The further adventures of Derek and Dawn, continuing from their journey in ‘Now Everything Changes

An ordinary woman searches for her identity in a world gone mad.

The further adventures of Derek and Dawn, continuing from their journey in ‘Now Everything Changes

The question of ‘identity’ is one of the key drivers in our current culture.

  • Why are there now hundreds of gender identities, with more added regularly?

  • Why are we expected to celebrate them and castigated if we don’t?

  • Why does our culture promote multiculturalism yet allow it to divide us?

  • Why is it so easy to be ‘cancelled’?

  • Why are we encouraged to be victims?

  • How have we got to this place in our society and is there any escape?

Dawn Courtney and her husband Derek embark on a journey of discovery, asking all of the above questions. They are guided by a single principle, to follow the evidence … and act on it. This takes them to some interesting people and places. Finally, they are able to answer the question, Who am I?

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Who am I? (5 copies)
Butterflies Over Whitehall
Now Everything Changes
Now Everything Changes (5 copies)