Yeshua Adored - Devotionals linked to Yeshua Explored
Discover the life and times of Jesus Christ in his Jewish setting.
Read devotional articles linked to the Yeshua Explored serialised extracts from Steve’s book ‘Jesus Life and Times’.
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Ep. 79: Acceptance
Reading the passage, the words that impact me the most in the context of this message are the last ones
Ep. 78: Ingratitude
The story is that, after Jesus healed ten lepers, the only one who showed any gratitude was a Samaritan, an outsider.
Ep. 73: The Prodigal Son
The story and theme of the prodigal son features strongly in my family
Ep. 72: Don’t worry … be happy?
In the parable of the rich fool the man in question uttered this phrase
Ep. 71: Good Samaritan
Let’s face it, we all have a person, or a group of people, that we … let’s say … don’t esteem as much as others.