Ep. 67: Beelzebul

CLICK HERE for the corresponding blog post in Yeshua Explored

MATTHEW 12:22-45, LUKE 11:14-36

No-one had seen this before, a blind and mute man being healed of demon possession, so that he could talk and see. Rabbis could deliver demons from people, but they would have to be able to speak, for the demon to identify itself. That’s why this healing was special, the man couldn’t speak!

This was one of those miracles that pointed towards Jesus being the Messiah and the people who witnessed this were astonished. When is the last time you saw someone astonished at something you did as a result of your faith in Jesus? People are astonished at weird things they see on their screens, because of the technology. But none of that is real. What we need is some real-life astonishment that would cause people to say, in whose name was this done? Who is this Jesus?


Ep. 68: Woes


Ep. 66: The Good Shepherd