The Sinner's Charter
Are the ten commandments still for today?
In a World gone mad and with a Church far from unified, how exactly should we be living our lives? God provided the framework many centuries ago at Mount Sinai. We call these basic instructions the Ten Commandments but what relevance do they have now?
Are the ten commandments still for today?
In a World gone mad and with a Church far from unified, how exactly should we be living our lives? God provided the framework many centuries ago at Mount Sinai. We call these basic instructions the Ten Commandments but what relevance do they have now?
Are the ten commandments still for today?
In a World gone mad and with a Church far from unified, how exactly should we be living our lives? God provided the framework many centuries ago at Mount Sinai. We call these basic instructions the Ten Commandments but what relevance do they have now?
Are the Ten Commandments really for today or have we moved on as a Church and as a society?
When Moses came down from the mountain clutching those stone tablets, little did he know that thousands of years later the same words were going to cause division and consternation!
But God knew, of course. He knew that, in the culture of the Western world in the 21st Century, His laws would transition into the Sinner’s Charter. But the real issue would be with His people, the Church. They have simply lost sight of the certainties etched into stone by the Finger of God. Bamboozled by their inability to adapt to the shifting sands of the Western mindset that moved swiftly from a Christian base to the rationality of secular humanism, then to the emotional irrationality of the post-modern Marxism that now holds sway.
We now live in a culture riddled with relativism, where truths and Truth are always to be doubted and selectively chosen to fit whatever narrative we are comfortable with. Consequently our set on ten laws are moulded to fit circumstances, as slaves rather than masters.
Congratulations on an outstanding new book, it’s brilliant and very inspiring - Paul Luckcraft (Bible Teacher)
Mightily impressed by your latest offering.. it’s a fantastic book. Very well done. - Chris Hill (Bible teacher, speaker, author)