Ep. 57: Heal the sick
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LUKE 10:1-16
So here Jesus sent them out, as lambs among wolves, into the ‘harvest field’. How exciting that must have been, being personally commissioned by Jesus himself. He told them to ‘heal the sick’, he didn’t say ‘pray for them to be healed’. There was a certainty there that we don’t see now.
We too are asked to go out as lambs among wolves, perhaps more so because of the nature of the culture that we found ourselves in. Jesus still asks us to heal the sick. Do we have the faith to take these words at face value? I’m not saying that people are not healed through a lack of faith but that, if we, God’s disciples had the faith of those first believers, perhaps the world would see a very different Jesus to the wishy-washy one they see preached. Just a thought.