Ep. 3: Yeshua adored
CLICK HERE for the corresponding blog post in Yeshua Explored
LUKE 2:1-20
At centre stage is the new-born, resting among the straw and dung, protected by his devoted mother and ‘adopted’ father. Enter stage right the shepherds, these edgy, hardened shepherds. They thought they had seen it all, but their own angelic visitation in the fields prepared them for something new. They fell to their knees and adored him, the one who would one day become their King. Then they dispersed and told their story to their friends and associates, in fact to anyone who would listen. People listened and were amazed, because this was not ordinary … this was something new.
When we encountered Jesus/Yeshua did we fall to our knees to adore him? We don’t have an innocent baby before us, but a scarred lived-in body housing a perfect soul, one who has fulfilled his destiny and holds his arms up to us in invitation. What does it mean to adore him? Curiously the word is never used in this context in the New Testament, although it is very much in the Christian vocabulary. All the shepherds had was a promise, yet they adored and spoke gushingly about him. We have had over two thousand years of evidence of fulfilled promise, but how do we respond? I am not a natural ‘adorer’, perhaps I am typical? What does it take to get me onto my knees and acknowledge the one who has given me everything in this life and the life to come?