Ep. 39: I must become less

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JOHN 3:25-30

The baton had been transferred. John the Baptist relinquishes his standing among the people, calling himself the friend who attends the bridegroom. The bridegroom is Jesus and he has now come, so John acknowledges that Jesus must now become greater, while he, John, becomes less.

Up to this point John was ‘the man’. His fame had spread over all Galilee, even further as God’s man for this generation. But now it had ended and Jesus had arrived. John acknowledged that he would now diminish. Real understanding and humility here, not something always shared by some of our leaders today. Sometimes God says to us, ‘thank you for your service, but …’ and, because we have grown comfortable in our role in His Kingdom, we fail to see the ‘but …’. We too need the understanding and humility to stand down and allow others to step up. Could this be speaking to you?


Ep. 40: New Wine


Ep. 38: True success