Ep. 38: True success

CLICK HERE for the corresponding blog post in Yeshua Explored

MATTHEW 10:1,5-42, MARK 6:7-13, LUKE 9:1-6

So Jesus sent out the twelve disciples into the wide wide world to see how they would fare. They were given the power for mighty miracles and the license to teach the Kingdom. How incredible that must have been. A mission with a purpose and commissioned by “the man” himself! Yet what we have here is a model for all missions, even to the current day.

Do we venture forth into the world as if our commission is from Jesus and not just a Church parochial committee, or a mission society or a local bishop? Who do we work for here? If we do it for the Lord then any outcome will be acceptable, as all he wants is our boldness and willingness. Others may not be so forgiving, demanding statistics and reports and ‘successful conversions’. I have witnessed missions in local hard-to-reach communities that last for years but with no discernable results at the time. Yet seeds are sown for others to reap later. That’s how it works sometimes in the Kingdom and we should not feel discouraged if we may seem unsuccessful by the world’s estimation, because surely the Lord will be smiling on your efforts, whatever others may say.


Ep. 39: I must become less


Ep. 37: Living the life