Ep. 37: Living the life

CLICK HERE for the corresponding blog post in Yeshua Explored

MATTHEW 13:54-58, MARK 6:1-6

 Those who knew Jesus when he was growing up among them in Nazareth were among those who had the most trouble accepting him for who he was now. Instead, all they saw was the ‘carpenter’s son’, despite all of the teaching and miracles.

We can experience something similar, albeit on a much smaller scale. When God does a wonderful work in us and we return to those who had known us before, the onus is on us to demonstrate the difference we now are on the inside. They have to see it in us so that your testimony is as a ‘new creation’ not just a variation of who we were before. It’s deeds and actions that will impress them, not just clever words. We need to be living the life!


Ep. 38: True success


Ep. 36: Trust in him