Ep. 51: They didn’t get it!

CLICK HERE for the corresponding blog post in Yeshua Explored

MATTHEW 15:32-16:12, MARK 8:1-21

Sometimes we can be really stupid, even if the truth is staring us in the face. We saw this when Jesus spoke to the disciples about the yeast of the Pharisees and they thought he was talking about bread! He was exasperated with them and and declared, do you have eyes but fail to see and ears that fail to hear?

We are no different. We can see God work in our lives personally and in the world in general, yet fail to see. Perhaps we do see, but fail to acknowledge Him? Even when we see clear acts of God working around us, do we thank Him for them, or have we become deadened to such things? God is working all the time … perhaps it is time that we noticed and reacted to Him, eh?


Ep. 52: Implications


Ep. 50: Which is lawful?