Ep. 52: Implications

CLICK HERE for the corresponding blog post in Yeshua Explored

MATTHEW 16:13-28, MARK 8:27- 9:1, LUKE 9:18-27

So Peter makes this wonderful proclamation that Jesus is the Messiah, the Son of the Living God. This statement can not be seen in isolation, as just like any other proclamation one could make. This one had implications, consequences of his messiahship, that he was going to be killed … and then raised to life. Peter took exception to the first part of this, not realising the implications of the second part … the raising back to life!

There are implications, too, for us when following Jesus, the Son of the Living God. Peter hadn’t thought things through. Have we, though? The cost of discipleship … denying ourselves, taking up our cross and following him. This is real, it’s not a game. Think hard on these implications.


Ep. 53: The Transfiguration


Ep. 51: They didn’t get it!