Ep. 53: The Transfiguration

CLICK HERE for the corresponding blog post in Yeshua Explored

MATTHEW 17:1-8, MARK 9:2-8, LUKE 9:28-36

Surely, in the transfiguration of Jesus, the three disciples were privy to a scene unprecedented in the whole sweep of mankind’s history. Here was the Messiah, flanked by two of the greatest prophets of the Old Testament, both long dead, indulging in casual conversation.

What was Peter’s reaction to this? To make them comfortable by building them little booths. How cool was that? To him, the supernatural was perfectly natural, though, when God spoke, he was really freaked out. But then who wouldn’t be? But the fact remained that, for us believers, the supernatural should be a natural part of life, rather than something ignored or denied. The Kingdom of God is not just a concept, it is a very real reality.


Ep. 52: Implications