Ep. 54: Faith like a mustard seed

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MATTHEW 17:9-21, MARK 9:9-29, LUKE 9:37-43

Even the disciples failed occasionally. For instance, they couldn’t heal the demon-possessed boy his father had brought to them while Jesus was away. The reason was clear to Jesus on his return. They had insufficient faith. They didn’t even have faith as small as a tiny mustard seed.

So, you might say, what hope have we got, if this group of Jesus’ own friends, who walked with him and witnessed much, didn’t have enough faith to heal the boy? A good point, but we shouldn’t dwell on it. We don’t look at them, whatever their advantages were. Instead we look within. Is our faith as large as a mustard seed? It doesn’t need to be any bigger, just a small piece of absolute certainty in our heart that God is who He says He is and has our interests at heart.


Ep. 55: Little children


Ep. 53: The Transfiguration