Ep. 65: Rejoice in your freedom
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In the story of the healing of the man born blind there is a lot that can be unpacked, but there’s one feature that really speaks to me. It’s the phrase, “but this happened so that the works of God might be displayed in him”.
In a sense we are all a part of the canvas of Jesus’ work in this world. The role of this man was to spend his whole life as a blind man up to the point when Jesus healed him, just so that the world can see this incredible miracle of God. We can feel sorry that this man had to suffer so, but it is not up to us to query the works of God. This scenario has probably played out countless times, perhaps in your life or in the life of someone close to you. If so, we must rejoice in the freedom, rather than in the prison that held us captive, but, in particular that you have had the privilege of being a player in the great salvation story of those who witness this great miracle.