Ep. 71: Good Samaritan

CLICK HERE for the corresponding blog post in Yeshua Explored

LUKE 10:25-37,11:5-13

Let’s face it, we all have a person, or a group of people, that we … let’s say … don’t esteem as much as others. They are the ‘Samaritans’ in your life. I have such people in my mind, though it’s my special secret. Now imagine walking down the street and falling over and injuring yourself. A neighbour walks past and does nothing, and so does a ‘supposed’ friend. Then … your ‘Samaritan’, of all people, approaches you and, not only helps you in the moment, but ensures that you are well looked after. How would you think of him then?

It's all about mercy. Perhaps if the roles were reversed and it was he who needed help, would you show such mercy? Perhaps not. Maybe God will put you in such a position today, perhaps in a small way. Will you harden your heart … or show mercy?


Ep. 72: Don’t worry … be happy?


Ep. 70: My Sheep