Ep. 43: Feeding of the 5000

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MATTHEW 14:13-21, MARK 6:30-44, LUKE 9:10-17, JOHN 6:1-14

Sometimes stories can be so familiar that they lose all impact and become well-worn cliches. Even the best stories such as the feeding of the five thousand (and the four thousand). Yet this story has the most awesome implications that can only fill us with a sense of wonder at the works of God. What we have here is a creative miracle that functioned on two levels.

Firstly, it provided much neded sustenance for those thousands of hungry people, but secondly, it showed us exactly Who God is and what His capabilities are. He is able to create living beings, the fish, without them actually drawing breath but functioning purely as a source of protein. He is also able to create bread without the necessary ingredients being present and the time it would normally take for the finished product to appear. All this was done in an instant. Incredible! Never again should we doubt God’s abilities to perform anything!


Ep. 44: Walking on water


Ep. 42: The death of John