Ep. 44: Walking on water

CLICK HERE for the corresponding blog post in Yeshua Explored

MATTHEW 14:22-36, MARK 6: 45-56, JOHN 6:15-21

As with the feeding of the five thousand, stories can be so familiar that they lose all impact and become well-worn cliches. Walking on Water is today associated with a smart alec who thinks they can do anything … even walk on water! But walk on water he did and how impressive a sight it must have been, especially as Jesus actually walked quite some distance to get to the boat.

The impetuous Peter had enough faith to recognise that it was Jesus and not a ghost, but not enough faith to successfully walk himself on the water. But at least he tried and was successful until fear gripped him because of the wind. We can use this story to diminish Peter but … unlike the others and probably you and I … he tried and had a measure of success. Do we have the faith to try something that is humanly impossible but under instruction of the Holy Spirit. I’m not telling you to jump into the nearest lake, but there must be other challenges out there that, perhaps, you are currently being challenged by?


Ep. 45: Traditions of the Elders


Ep. 43: Feeding of the 5000