Ep. 45: Traditions of the Elders

CLICK HERE for the corresponding blog post in Yeshua Explored

MATTHEW 15:1-20, MARK 7:1-23

Here is a persistent theme throughout the Gospels, Jesus being pulled up for his disregard for man-made traditions, though he never transgressed Biblical laws laid down in Old Testament Scripture. They castigated him because his disciples failed to wash their hands, believe it or not during the ‘feeding of the 5000’, rather than marvelling at the miracle that was unfolding before them. And that’s the point, being too busy fussing over their laws to see God in action.

It is incredible to realise that, despite having this cautionary tale presented to us in the Gospels, we inhabit a very similar Christian culture these days. We too have developed a whole load of ‘Traditions of the Elders’, the elders being those who have created the rules and regulations of the thousands of denominations that exist today. This, too, can separate us from God, rather than draw us closer to Him. Sola Scriptura, Scripture only, needs to be our watchword, back to basics. God’s word is the only thing that will save us and properly instruct us. And in terms of understanding His words, wouldn’t you prefer to be in the capable hands of Holy Spirit, rather than some crusty old theologian (or worse)?


Ep. 46: Parting of the Ways


Ep. 44: Walking on water