Ep. 42: The death of John

CLICK HERE for the corresponding blog post in Yeshua Explored

MATTHEW 14:1-12, MARK 6:14-29, LUKE 9:7-9

So Herod the tetrarch, aided and abetted by the women in his life, did away with the inconvenient prophet. But the damage had been done, John’s words would remain with him for the rest of his life. John’s death was not to bring relief.

Even death can not stop the light of the Gospel from shining forth. The glorious deaths of those early martyrs, starting with John the Baptist, were to form the lifeblood of the Church. We know that this is still happening today in countries where it is dangerous to express your Christian faith. Not so much over here, though. This is the elephant in the room for the Western church. How would we cope when the punishment for our faith is certain death? This is a sobering thought.


Ep. 43: Feeding of the 5000


Ep. 41: Calling card