Ep. 32: Be careful!

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MATTHEW 9:32-34, MARK 3:22, MATTHEW 12:22-29; 46-50

This was a turning point in Jesus’s relationship to those Pharisees who were following him around, observing and criticising. By denying the work of the Holy Spirit and attributing Jesus’s powers to the work of Satan, or Beelzebub, the prince of demons, they were treading on very dangerous ground.

Likewise, we need to have our spiritual antennae on alert at all times. When God is performing an authentic miracle in our lives we need to acknowledge it as one. Jesus later condemned the Pharisees for their ‘mis-identifying’ and it’s really the last thing we would want for ourselves. Giving God the glory is a major imperative in our life and we should expect blessings for doing so.


Ep. 33: The sower


Ep. 31: Mission