Ep. 33: The sower

CLICK HERE for the corresponding blog post in Yeshua Explored

MATTHEW 13:1-23, MARK 4:1-20, LUKE 8:4-15

The Parable of the sower was one of Jesus’ key teachings, with a farmer sowing seed, with varying results depending on where the seed was sown; some fell on a path and were trampled on, some fell on rocky ground and its plants withered, some fell upon thorns and the plants were choked, but some fell on good soil and thrived.

We also need to sow on good soil, so that those who hear us are not trampled on and don’t wither or choke. This is a long game we play. I know of many who have sown on good soil but have never reaped. This is because the reaping is in God’s good timing, not ours. If your sowing seems to tick all of the boxes but doesn’t seem to get immediate results then consider time (when) and not space (where) and … be patient.


Ep. 34: My storm


Ep. 32: Be careful!