Ep. 34: My storm

CLICK HERE for the corresponding blog post in Yeshua Explored

MATTHEW 8:18,23-27, MARK 4:35-41, LUKE 8:22-25

Jesus calmed the storm to make two points. Firstly, to demonstrate his mastery over the elements, which his disciples acknowledged. Secondly, to demonstrate what little faith his disciples had in him, with them believing that all that came before was pointless and that they were all going to die.

There is a parallel here in my own life, in the very thoughts that have just given me a sleepless night. Lack of faith in His plans for me. The storm in my life is the indifference I feel to my huge creative output. This is not an idle boast, it took me a good half hour to list them all in my mind! I have no problem in creating content, my difficulty is in getting it in front of people and receiving acknowledgement for it. My fear is that all that I have done has been a waste of time because, surely, otherwise I would have at least been able to sustain myself financially with my books etc. In reality I have actually lost money and continue to do so. It is easy to complain and feel self-pity but, if I entered that boat and woke Him up, what would he tell me? Would he agree with me and promise to smite down everyone who has failed to recognised my talents? No. Instead he would castigate my lack of faith. I suspect what He is really saying to me is … to have faith and leave it all up to Him.


Ep. 35: Authority


Ep. 33: The sower