Ep. 35: Authority

CLICK HERE for the corresponding blog post in Yeshua Explored

MATTHEW 8:28-34, MARK 5:1-20, LUKE 8:26-39

Jesus was faced with a demoniac (or perhaps two), who knew without doubt who he was facing, Jesus, Son of the Most High God. He knew exactly what this entailed. Jesus had totally mastery of the situation, as the demons knew full well. They begged Jesus to send them into the pigs because they recognised his authority over them.

Jesus had – and still has – total authority. The demons know this, but do we? If we really knew this then perhaps we’d operate in far more freedom than we do. He really does ‘have our back’ and we must remember this fact when life throws a curveball at us. Perhaps we should consider this now and pray for Jesus to take charge of whatever is currently bothering us – because he surely has the authority to do so.


Ep. 36: Trust in him


Ep. 34: My storm