Ep. 47: Such faith!

CLICK HERE for the corresponding blog post in Yeshua Explored

MATTHEW 15:21-28, MARK 7:24-30

This is faith at its boldest. A non-Jewish woman insisting on an audience with Jesus and then, after a rebuff from him, insisting that he helps her. And then, after a further rebuff, responding to his words with uncommon wisdom! His response to all this? Woman, you have great faith, your request is granted!

She persisted with him. She knew who he was and what he could do. That’s her faith. But she also knew the value of persistence. Do we give up too easily in our prayers and expectations, thinking that God is not going to answer, because … (fill this space)? If so, then put her in mind and don’t give up.


Ep. 48: Do it well


Ep. 46: Parting of the Ways