Ep. 48: Do it well

CLICK HERE for the corresponding blog post in Yeshua Explored

MARK 7:31-37

Healing a deaf and mute man? Nothing was impossible for Jesus, of course. The man, at first could hardly speak, then he could … then he couldn’t stop talking. So much so that Jesus’ exploits were picked up by more and more people. He has done everything well, they said of Jesus.

Can people say the same for you and I. Have we done everything well? Have you done everything well? At the end of the day, all God wants us to do is our best, no more, no less. Think of a task you plan to do today, then do it with the knowledge that God is your witness and only wants to say of you, he (or she) did this rather well!


Ep. 49: Don’t go into the village


Ep. 47: Such faith!